January 7, 2025

We started 2025 off with a great meeting last Tuesday. Josh Edwards, News Editor of the Daily Sentinel, was our guest speaker. He introduced us to the world of photojournalism and invited club members to send in our photos of newsworthy events to the Daily Sentinel. He also reminded us that Charm Magazine is looking for photos from photographers in the East Texas area. One of our members (Becky Fleck) had a photo posted in the most recent issue of Charm! These are some good opportunities to get our photos in the public eye and to get some good exposure for the club. Josh promised to keep us apprised of specific photo opps and those will be passed along to all of you.

The topic for the monthly challenge was "something colorful" and we had some beautiful entries. Robert Martin took first place honors and second place went to Michelle Eagan. There was a four way tie for third place between Maria Betancourt Smith, Susan Bruener, Wendy Floyd, and myself. Congratulations to all the winners! Susan has already posted these photos on facebook, so go check them out if you haven't already done so.

Next month's challenge will be "something weird." I don't know about you guys, but I'm thinking about taking a selfie. Remember, the challenge photos have to be taken between the time of our last meeting and our next meeting (1/7-2/4). This one should be interesting!

Important announcement! We agreed to change our meeting time to 6:00 starting with our February meeting. We had a change of plan for our February presentation. Robert Martin recently registered the club - at his own expense - with the Photographic Association of America. Thanks Robert! He is going to do a presentation showing us some of the opportunities available to the club under this organization. You can check out their website here https://psa-photo.org/ We will also be talking about some of the upcoming plans for the club and will take care of a little business.

February meeting date is 2/4 at 6:00. Also, don't forget to pay your dues to Michelle if you haven't already done so. I look forward to seeing all of you there!