February 4, 2025

Our February meeting was a productive one. Attendance was good and I didn’t hear any complaints, so our new meeting time seems to be off to a good start. The new bylaws were passed unanimously and that was followed by an introduction to our new website. It is still a work in progress so if you want to make suggestions send them in an email to me. One item of concern was the ability to easily copy pictures from our member gallery pages. I’m glad to report that Robert has already found a fix to that problem (feel free to test it out yourself). If you want to start a gallery page with your photos feel free to send them to Robert (rbmartiniv@gmail.com). If you're worried about making them public feel free to include a watermark and/or use a low resolution so that they can’t be easily enlarged.

We spent a lot of time doing club business, so Robert did a short presentation on the benefits of both the Photographic Society of America (PSA) and the Gulf States Camera Club Council (GSCCC). Thanks to Robert we have a club membership to both organizations, although you will probably need to join the PSA as an individual member to take advantage of their benefits. Both organizations offer multiple opportunities to engage in competitions, and the GSCCC will be having a convention in Beaumont April 3-5.

Our challenge – something weird – was an interesting one. Richard Orton and Michelle Eagan tied for first place and I took third. See Susan’s Facebook posting for a look at the winning shots. I think we will be starting a gallery on the web page for the winners so you may want to try there as well. Michelle chose “glass” for our March challenge. Photos must be taken between February 5th and March 4th

Ron Thill will be doing our presentation in March. He hasn’t finalized a topic but I’ll post something when he does. Regardless of the topic, I’ll be looking forward to it because Ron always does a really good job. See you then!