Our March meeting was a good one. Ron Thill did a presentation on 500px, a global website that allows photographers to share, discover, and sell photos. It attracts both professional and serious amateurs and also gives you the opportunity to sell photographs. There are three levels of membership, including one that is free, and they are currently running a sale on the paid memberships – although Ron noted that this is something that they do on a pretty regular basis. Ron showed us the nuts and bolts of joining and navigating the site. I noted that one of their categories you can choose to explore is black and white. If you are having problems with finding submissions for our gallery show, you may find something that inspires you to try something different. Their homepage is simply 500px.com.
Our gallery show deadline has been moved up this year. The important date to remember is April 21st. That is the last date for submitting your digital entries. Susan gave us a brief summary of the submission guidelines. A hard copy of those guidelines was handed out at the meeting and they have been posted to the website. Look under the announcements tab, or just click here Also, note that we now have an image downsizing button on the website to help in the submission process. You can find that here.
Robert reminded us that everyone in the club is eligible to have their own gallery on our website. Submit up to 20 images to Robert via email and he will load them for you. You can contact him at rbmartiniv@gmail.com.
Our monthly challenge was glass, and we had some really great images. I was honored to tie Michelle Eagan for first place. Wendy Floyd and Tom Willis tied for third (second?). Make sure you check out the Facebook page to see all the entries. Michelle chose “odd numbers” as our challenge for next month. I’m going to go out on a limb and suggest that we make this odd numbers above 1. Take a picture of anything that contains 3, 5, 7, etc… elements. Remember the picture has to be taken between March 5th and April 1st.
Our next meeting is April 1st at 6:00 pm. This will be one of our SAE meetings (share, admire, and evaluate). For this one we are inviting anyone in the club to submit 3-5 photos to demonstrate a particular theme. This could be a certain technique, shooting style, or subject matter. We currently have three volunteers and are looking for more. Please let me know if you want to participate.
Look forward to seeing all of you on April Fools Day!