GUIDELINES: THE 2025 NPC GALLERY SHOW, June 3rd - June 30th
Theme: "Black and White"
General Rules and Guidelines: The show will be open for entries to current, dues paid members only. No image included in the show in previous years may be entered again.
General Timeline:
1. April 21st or before: Submit up to 6 images (1MB or less) to Susan Bruener (Susanbruener@gmail.com). We encourage everyone to submit 6 images, but you can submit less. (*see below)
2. Judging by Greg Patterson.
3. Following judging, Susan will email members individually with the results of their entries, plus instructions for mounting printed images.
4. Members will print and mount their images selected to hang in the Cole Art Center.
5. May 21st or before deliver images that have been printed and mounted to Robert Martin.
6. Robert will install glass on images and deliver to Cole Art Center.
7. Show Dates: June 3rd to June 30th
8. Gallery Show Reception June 6th.
*Image Submission:
• Each participating member may enter up to six (6) images.
• For every "Old" image (taken prior to June 1, 2024) submitted, a "New" image must be submitted (taken between June 1, 2024 to April 15, 2025).
• Submitting Old images is not a requirement. It is entirely your choice. However, when making your decision, the number of old images must at least equal the number of new images.
All submitted images must be digital ".jpg" files, and should be no larger than 1MB file size for e-mailing to Susan. Keep full size images for printing.
File names shall contain:
1. Photographer's initial and last name, ex. "sbruener"
2. Title of the image which will be used when displayed at the Cole, ex. "red flower"
3. "O" (Old images) or ''N" (New images) with a .jpg file type. (0: before June, 1, 2024 or N: after June 1, 2024)
4. Example of a file name for an image taken after June 1, 2024: sbruener_redflower_N.jpg
5. Example of a file name for an image taken before June 1, 2024: sbruener_redflower_O.jpg
6. To save and name a cell phone image: Email the image to yourself. Go to your email on your computer, download the image and save it to your computer. Rename the image using the naming system described above.
This year's Juror is Greg Patterson. All images will be judged on the three qualities listed below and given a 3-30 point total score:
• Appeal.. .how well the Juror likes the image personally, 1-10
• Theme ... how well does the image fit the theme, 1-10
• Merit. .. how well is the image captured on technical merit, 1-10
The Juror will select winners and award 1st through 5th place plus Honorable Mention (as many as the Juror chooses). Every member that submits images will have at least one image displayed in the show.
After judging:
1. Susan will notify members as to which of their entries have been selected for display in the show plus instructions for matting and backing.
2. Members will acquire high quality prints from the full-size files, e.g., high resolution, of the images submitted for judging.
Foam core or solid mat backing in the size of the glass mounting frames owned by the club must be used. There are two sizes of glass from which to choose, 14 x 18 and 16 x 20. It is recommended that the mat sides have a minimum 2 inch border.
The Club still has mats from previous shows but the cut-out sizes vary. Feel free to contact Robert to check the availability of specific sizes.
3. On the back of the mounted print, please write the submitted file name and image title, (e.g., rminix-redflower-N.jpg; Red Flower).
4. Members will deliver printed and mounted images, with file name and title on back, to Robert who will install the mounted prints in the club's glass "frames" and deliver to the Cole. Please contact Robert prior to dropping off your images:
Robert Martin
(936) 615 6303
rbmartini v@gmail.com
1431 Tanglewood Circle Nacogdoches
Robert gives these instructions when finding his house:
"My house is not on the street. I'm about halfway up the hill above the house on the street. There is a 3-box brick mailbox at the street and the rather steep drive is bisected at the street by a telephone pole. I say all that because some people have trouble finding my house, expecting it to be on the street. I don't use the front door. Please use the car port door. The two small dogs bark a lot but are harmless.
Member's mounted prints will be returned at the NPC meetings following the show. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask Elton or Susan. We are more than willing to explain any of this in greater detail.
Theme: "Black and White"
Capture your subject images in RAW or jpg as large as possible.
Group all your subject images in a single digital file or album.
Select up to six images:
If you choose to submit old images (taken before June I, 2024 (O): the number of old images submitted must at least equal the number of new images submitted (taken after June I, 2024 (N).
Make sure the images are FULL size, for high quality prints.
Make resized smaller copies of the full-size images, 500k - 1mb max for emailing.
Rename all image files as follows:
Resized image, sbruener _red.flower _N. jpg or sbruener_redflower_O.jpg (required file name format)
FULL size, SBRUENER_RED FLOWER_N.jpg (suggested file name format)
To use Cell phone images:
From your phone, email the image to yourself.
Openyour email, download and save image to your computer.
Edit.and/or rename your image using the same format as above.
On Aprjl 21 or before, send named, resized small (1mb) image files as attachments in ONE email to Susan Bruener at susanbruener@gmaiLcom who will foward them to Judge Greg Patterson as a PowerPoint.
Wait for Susan's email with judging results. You will have at least one image selected for The Gallery Show display. Print, or have printed, your (exact) image(s) selected for THE GALLERY SHOW (use FULL size. high-resolution files for prints).
Acquire mat(s) with beveled cut-outs and foamcore or mat backing to fit your print(s) and the
glass "frames" owned by the Club, either 14 x 18 or 16 x 20. It is recommended that mats are 2 inches, minimum, The Club still has mats from previous shows but the cut-out sizes vary. Feel free to contact Robert Martin (rbmartiniv@gmail.com) to check the availability of specific sizes.
Mount your print(s} in the matting and backing or "simulate" mating with borders and outlining (still must be mounted on foamcore or mat backing).
Mark the complete file name and image title on the back of your mounted print(s)
May 2lst or before; deliver your mounted print(s) to Print Manager, Robert Martin.
rbmartiniv@gmail.com, 1431 Tanglewood Circle, Nacogdoches, (936) 615-6303. To find Robert's house he says:
"My house is not on the street. I'm about halfway up the hill above the house on the street. There is a 3-box brick mailbox at the street and the rather steep drive is bisected at the street by a telephone pole. I say all that because some people have trouble finding my house, expecting it to be on the street. I don't use the front door. Tell people to come to the carport door."
Do all of the edits you want and save your image. If it is an image taken with your cell phone, email the image to yourself and save it on your computer.
Go to www.nacphotoclub.com and click on "Image Downsizer" at the top of the Home page.
Click on the 1MB Downsizer.
Click on "Select Image" and navigate to the image you want to downsize. Click on the image (the name of the image should appear in the file name box. Click open. If it's a big file, it may take a bit of time and may ask yo if you want to wait or exit. Definitely wait.
After the downsized image appears, scroll to the bottom and click on "Download Downsized Image." The downsized will downsize the image and place in your Downloads folder on your computer at the top of the list.
To save the image to a photos folder, right click on the file name, copy and paste it to your Gallery Show folder. To rename the image: Go to the Gallery Show folder, right click on the image to rename: SBruener_MommaandBaby_N.